tldr: The comic will be going on a temporary hiatus until I can get irl things sorted out. If you’d like to be notified when updates resume, follow my comics twitter @NWcomic.

Long story: At the end of January I was laid off from the company I had been working at for 12 years, along with most of the graphics team. I mean, who needs super-talented in-house artists when you can outsource that work elsewhere for cheap? My team wasn’t the only one affected. The layoffs were totally unexpected and sudden. We were all shocked, saddened, confused, and upset. Some of us have been able to find new jobs, but I haven’t been so lucky. I’ve only gotten one interview so far and it went perfectly until the salary part. They wanted someone with my skill set and years of experience at entry-level price. Wonderful.

You’d think being unemployed means more time for comic. It hasn’t. I’ve spent a lot of this time taking care of myself, my home, my son, and of course, job searching. I was so lucky to have the job I had before for so long. Graphic design is one of those jobs that suffer from the “my nephew could do this for much cheaper” curse. I got too expensive. Though despite all of the stress I’ve been going through, I’m doing okay. I’ll get back on my feet eventually. In the meantime, Northwind will be put on hold. I hope to build up a decent buffer before updates resume.