Is he human? I thought he was at least part werewolf or something? I feel ya man, I’m 6’5″. It’s not a complex or anything, but I am so used to being taller than everyone else that whenever I meet someone taller than me, I have to ask how tall they are. So how about mysterious hero? Just how humongously tall are you?
He was originally going to be 9′ but then I realized framing him with anyone else would be… problematic. I compromised by making him 8′ instead.
(I get small children just staring up at me like yes, I’M BIGGER THAN YOUR DAD.)
Which one, “Portugal. The Man” or “Horse Warming Party”? Or both! Hehehe!
Also, I was going over the song in my head, and I realized that there’s also a line that says “forearms rest in streams of silver”, which is pretty apropos to the previous page. ;P
I’d heard of the band, but I’d never seen their name written. And yes, I was wondering if horses were actually being warmed??
I guess Mel now has his own theme song.
Awesome. 😀 (Btw I love that you shorten his name to “Mel”. Hehe!)
Also, as far as I know, no horses get warmed in that song. In fact, I don’t think any of the words in the title are present in the song at all. I’m really not sure why it’s called that. Or what the song itself actually means. The lyrics are very…abstract.
I was really sick a couple years ago and somehow their song Atomic Man came on right in the middle of … complications. The part about “after you hell should be easier” struck me hilarious. So there I was, deathly sick laughing. 🙂 🙂
“I’m a very good listener. Even from way up here!”
also, my Vulcan nerve pinch is second to none!
Is he human? I thought he was at least part werewolf or something? I feel ya man, I’m 6’5″. It’s not a complex or anything, but I am so used to being taller than everyone else that whenever I meet someone taller than me, I have to ask how tall they are. So how about mysterious hero? Just how humongously tall are you?
He was originally going to be 9′ but then I realized framing him with anyone else would be… problematic. I compromised by making him 8′ instead.
(I get small children just staring up at me like yes, I’M BIGGER THAN YOUR DAD.)
Haha, it’s so gratifying to see a tall person discover what it feels like to be a short person!
I’ve been listening to a lot of Portugal. The Man lately, so the title of this page makes me want to sing “Horse Warming Party”.
I thought that was a typo at first.
Which one, “Portugal. The Man” or “Horse Warming Party”? Or both! Hehehe!
Also, I was going over the song in my head, and I realized that there’s also a line that says “forearms rest in streams of silver”, which is pretty apropos to the previous page. ;P
I’d heard of the band, but I’d never seen their name written. And yes, I was wondering if horses were actually being warmed??
I guess Mel now has his own theme song.
Awesome. 😀 (Btw I love that you shorten his name to “Mel”. Hehe!)
Also, as far as I know, no horses get warmed in that song. In fact, I don’t think any of the words in the title are present in the song at all. I’m really not sure why it’s called that. Or what the song itself actually means. The lyrics are very…abstract.
Speaking of Portugal. The Man.
I was really sick a couple years ago and somehow their song Atomic Man came on right in the middle of … complications. The part about “after you hell should be easier” struck me hilarious. So there I was, deathly sick laughing. 🙂 🙂
Laughter is the best medicine. (When you need actual medicine, of course.)